Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Road not Taken

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
  I took the one less traveled by,
 And that has made all the difference."
                           -Robert Frost

It amazes me how I drive this road often, for work, traveling between vineyards and yet on this day, it was like I was viewing this with new eyes.  I had to stop. 

I turned around a corner and there it was.  An image which took me directly to Robert Frost's lovely Poem, The Road Not Taken.

I was moved to stop and soak in the meaning of that poem which I memorized and fell in love with in 4th grade poetry class.  Life takes many turns and I believe we all have the power to choose our path, not by a road map but by an accumulation of many small decisions over time.  It is easy to compare oneself to others, wanting for more, wishing to be a little different.
 Comparison really is the theft of joy. 

I am reminded to be me.  Take risk and adventure.  Go against the grain.  Be different. Be YOU.
In this materialistic world, be you and be the best you.  That is all you need.  
Be unique.
Be You.
It makes all the difference.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Change in the Air

And just like that, in the blink of an eye, Spring is in the air all around Washington Wine Country!
The vineyard floors are greener by the day, my sign Spring has sprung!

February was an interesting month to say the least.
6 inches of snow.
Temperatures in the single digits.
[ok East Coasters and Mid-westerners... I know that is nothing to you]
Our grapes were able to slide by unscathed.

What is your sign that Spring is on its way?
With longer days and more sunshine ahead of us, spring really gets me excited!