...Or 50 Cellar rats working 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week!
Each week a member of Wahluke Wine Company makes lunch for the whole crew, cellar workers, the maintanace crew, Bottle line, office and viticulture staff and any roaming winemakers.
Lunch for 50, no easy task! And boy can these guys and gals eat!
I chose to prepare America's Test Kitchen Baked Ziti.
Thick noodles, White and red sauce, cheese on top of cheese. I knew they would LOVE this dish.
Cheesy, cheesy goodness. |
6 Trays of Baked Ziti, 4 loafs of garlic bread, 6 bags of salad
4 Hours of preparing
3 Hours of cooking
30 Minutes of Silence at lunch... Priceless
This was actually my first time preparing Ziti on my own, although I have had this recipe at my parents house many times. Some may call me crazy, but I like to think I am ambitious. I followed my father lead and added a little extra Mozzarella, a little more cheese never hurt anyone. Post Ziti kitchen looks like a red bomb went off but this is totally worth all the dishes! The Ziti comes together easily.
I like to get as much as I can out of a dish like! When making Baked Ziti for just C and myself, I use two 8 inch square pans and am able to have not only dinner and left overs, but a whole pan in the freezer for unexpected guests or when I don't what to cook! What is better than that???
What are your favorite recipies to cook for a crowd?
Have any that were great on a small scale but was an epic fail when done for many mouths?