Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Monday, June 6, 2016

Celebrating Mr. & Mrs. Bell

The highlight of our weekend was celebrating Mr. & Mrs. Bell here in the Tri Cities!

Zane and Janae got married in Huntington Beach, California!  It was a whirlwind of a weekend and no matter how hard Chad and I tried we were not able to get to San Fransisco.., Let alone Huntington Beach. Long story short we had our flight cancelled Thursday night out of Pasco. Let's just say that the ordeal that happened next is why I will never fly United again. Let's just say 2 canceled flights, showing up to check in before being cancelled on.  With no flights left before the wedding, let alone the rehearsal dinner. It was so hard to call the bride and groom and tell them we couldn't make it.

But back to the lighter side of life, the reception here in Washington was adorable.
We can't wait to meet Baby Noah!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

This put a smile on my face!

My wonderful fiancé Chad brought home some beautiful flowers the other night.  They have brighten not only the living room but my whole week!  And these have survived my strange kitty cat who really likes to demolish and chew all the other flowers I ever have...

Thank you Chad!