Planning a garden can be a challenge. What variety to pick? If you plant eggplant, will your husband eat them? When do I need to have these in the ground by?
Lets rewind and tackle the first of many big questions: Do you start your plants from seeds or do you purchase your seedlings from the store?
Why start your plants from seed in your own home? The reasons are different for each gardener.
Tomato Seedling reaching for the light |
From Seed
Pros- More seed and variety options, You know exactly what the plant has been treated with, the joy of watching the seedlings grow and prosper.
Cons- Time, lots of time planting the seeds, transplanting seedlings, watering,
Purchase Seedlings
Pros- Ready when you are. Varieties (Hopefully) already selected for your climate.
Cons- May already be exposed to blight, Mildew, other diseases. Heirlooms may be limited
The husband and I have opted to start our seeds in our home this year. Little lessions from 2013 will be employed to make this the most productive year to date on Holly Court! Last year I attempted to start everything from seed in our home.
Seedlings |
Jalapeno Peppers
Ready to Harvest |
Ill prepared, I ran into road block after road block. The cat laid on all my little precious baby starts, smothering all the cucumbers and carrots and squash. We had our wedding & honeymoon extravaganza and while we were off enjoying the beach in Hawaii, our little starts took a nose dive to the grave. That is also how we ended up with 9 jalapenos plants, one bell pepper plant and none of the other 4 varieties of peppers I had in my goal garden. Same with the 5 Cherry tomato plant and no heirlooms. You would think I would have the whole "plants need water to live" thing down by now... working in Ag and being a farmers daughter and all. And finally, we were too cheap/busy to purchase a lamp so the seedlings that survived were spindly little guys. I seriously didn't think they were going to make it. BUT this year will be different!!!
My garden pinterest board is brimming with ideas, My sights are set high and I am so excited to see where 2014 will take my garden!
Next up: Seedling Starter Stand and Light