No Christmas Craft night is complete without theses easy and fun D.I.Y. Coasters! These are quick and easy, but a great gift for a friend or co-worker!
You will need:
Mod Podge
Paint brush
Spray Clear Glaze
Cork Tack Sheet
These items can all be found at your local craft store and look for the tile and glaze at the hardware store.
This is a simple project. It may take 30 minutes of your time. Pour yourself a glass of wine and lets get to it. Apply mod podge to the tile in a thin layer. Cut the paper, I used scrapbook paper, and place it on the tile. Now apply two thin layers of mod podge to the paper, allowing it to dry in between layers. Next, spary with the clear glaze, cut and attach the cork and give away!
These will be going to a special someone this holiday season!

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